On May 8, 2024, five students from West High School in Green Bay, WI received college scholarships and grants provided by the Do Great Things Initiative, a program designed to help students plan for their future, become college ready, and fund the cost of college.
Suabnag Kong Receives the DGTI Marquette University Scholarship
“I am the little girl from parents who had nothing and gave us everything. I love to make everything out of anything. Your belief in us has ignited fires within our souls, inspiring us to strive for excellence in all we do. I venture into this new chapter, I carry on the lessons, cherished moments, and dreams yet to be realized within the scholarship. I receive financial assistance and have a deep opportunity to make a difference, pursue my passion for being a future educator, and contribute to the betterment of this world. Thank you for giving me the gift of a college education.”
Alisa Lee Receives the DGTI Scholarship to Marquette University
“I appreciate my parents for being my number one supporter. Their hard work has served as a foundation for me, and I will move on to bigger and better things. As a first-generation college student, I plan to study psychology and help those who need it. I have a passion for turning frowns into smiles. This scholarship means to me that I am capable of my own pursuits, capable of doing what I set my mind to. I promise to dedicate myself to helping the community through the scholarship I am awarded. That is what I want to do. It gives me the golden opportunity to make a difference. “
Marcus Russell Receives the DGTI Scholarship to University of Wisconsin – Green Bay
“This scholarship is not just for financial gain; it is a belief in my potential and an investment in my future. This scholarship represents a significant milestone in my life. It alleviates financial burdens and allows me to focus on my psychology studies. I chose psychology for various reasons. It allows me to understand human behavior, emotions, and mental processes. It also allows me to pursue career paths such as counseling, therapy, research, or business. Thank you for believing in me and giving me this incredible opportunity.”
Kristy Rivera Ortiz receives the DGTI Scholarship to University of Wisconsin – Green Bay
“I was always worried about how I would pay for college, especially because it was just me and my mom. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to have a better future. I am thankful for my mom, who has always pushed me to improve. Mr. Seas has been like a parental figure in my life in high school, and I could always count on him for anything. Miss Merkle has always been hard on me, pushing me to do better and never give up, even if things get hard. Due to this scholarship, I will attend UW-GB to become a great author.”
Francesca Campos-Moya Receives the DGTI $5000 grant to University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
“The Do Great Things Initiative, their care for our education and help in alleviating our anxieties is allowing me to enjoy this experience without as much worry about financial aid and student debt. This grant will help me go far for myself, my community, and everyone I care about. Do Great Things offers students like us and families like ours so much kindness. Kindness that is going to allow us to do great things, and for that, I am extremely grateful.”
Keynote Speakers Applauded the Student’s Accomplishments
Students were congratulated and given advice from Jim Ryan, Green Bay West Alum ’85 and DGTI Founder, Heather Zelzer, Associate Principal of West High School, Patrick Correia-Harker, Associate Director, Admissions, at Marquette University, Vicki Bayer, GBAPS Interim Superintendent and Jennifer Jones, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment at UWGB.
Heather Zelzer told the students,“Since I started in education twenty years ago, I have always shared with students that money should never be a barrier to their success. Do Great Things aligns with this message and supports students and the staff in giving our students the best experiences they deserve. Experiences that will help them determine what they want to do in the future.”
Jim Ryan added, “We believe in this community, in the families and students who participate, live, and are educated in it. They should have as much chance as anybody else to get an education and go on to do great things.”
Special Coverage of Signing Day
Highlight Video of 2024 Scholarship Event