On May 18, 2022, Raelea Scott and Isabella Campos-Moya, the first two recipients of the annual Do Great Things Scholarships to Marquette University, signed letters of intent to accept their scholarships and officially become members of the Class of 2026 at Marquette University. At the ceremony, Michelle Jacobson, Principal at West High School, welcomed all attendees and the media. Additional speakers included Jim and Tracy Ryan, founders of the Do Great Things Initiative, who spoke about what motivated them to start the Initiative and their vision of what lies ahead. Vicki Bayer, GBAPS Interim Superintendent and Patrick Correia-Harker, Assistant Director of National Recruitment at Marquette University, also offered congratulations to Raelea and Isabella. The highlight of the event was hearing from Raelea and Isabella, who were both appreciative and ready to Do Great Things!